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  • "My free gift to you." – Greg Moyer

  • Win the war for your attention by mitigating the distractions that suppress creativity, inventive thinking, and productivity, in our every day lives.

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    Are you tired of feeling like you never get enough done?

    I've compiled the most important moves you can make to overcome one of the most harmful blockers to creativity, performance, and productivity.

    After working in Silicon Valley for the last 25 years, creating more than 650 deliverables and billions in new revenue for my clients, one of the superpowers I was forced to develop along the way was to train myself to be “Distraction Proof.”

    This 7-part series shows you how to take control to regain focus and free your mind to be more creative, and get more done.


    Our 100% Satisfaction Warranty!

    "If you apply these practices to mitigate distractions, you will regain at least 8 hours per week of your precious time. I guarantee it!"  

    ~Greg Moyer

    In this 7-part guide you will learn...

    1. How to win the war for your attention so that you can enter and stay in the arena of massive productivity.

    2. Overcome the struggle phase and go into the zone where 85% never reach.

    3. Develop monk-like attentional capacity...

    4. The best use of dopamine helps you breeze through even the toughest work.

    5. Optimize your tech to win the war for your attention.

    6. Finally, get a leg up of the most overlooked distraction of all.

    7. Distraction immunity will help you reclaim hours of lost productivity each week.

    Creative Director, Inventor, Innovator, Thought Leader

    ABOUT Greg Moyer

    Greg has a deep passion for helping business professionals and entrepreneurs operate on a higher order in the realms of business creativity and innovation to compete and thrive in an economy driven by technological evolution and global instability.

    His career has spanned 25 years in Silicon Valley as a creative director, inventor, innovator, entrepreneur, marketer, and now keynote speaker.

    His technology innovations, and new marketing programs, have generating more than $5.5 billion in new revenue with ROIs of 1100% for well-known companies like Hewlett-Packard, Microsoft, Siemens, and Infosys. 


    Denise B.

    Strategic Marketing Events

    Laguna Beach, CA

    "My ability to mitigate distractions is critical in my work." 

    I've recaptured at least 8 hrs per week by applying these simple steps. Greg has been able to dial in to the "zone" more than anyone I know."

    John M.

    International Exhibit Expert

    Portland, OR

    "Distractions have become one of the plagues of this century."

    “There is something magical that occurs working with Greg. Mitigating distractions is a precursor to creative success!”

    Jeffrey K.

    Actor & Writer

    Toronto, Canada

    "Do yourself a favor and pay attention to what Greg has to say."

    “He has a unique ability to distill and help you understand the science and research into an easy-to-learn formula that WORKS for ANYONE!” 

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